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Steve Best - Director of Photography / Field Producer

(behind the scenes)


Sometimes you have to get creative on location when filming to get the shot. Here's a couple of behind the scenes clips. Here I'm filming RAW on the 5D. As you can see we're in tight quarters and moving fast,  so opted to use a lighter more compact camera.    

Steve Best - Director of Photography / Field Producer

(behind the scenes)


After an intense day of tracking and darting lions in South Africa, it's always nice to see that all cats are truly alike ;-)

Steve Best -  Director of Photography / Field Producer

(behind the scenes)


Living your dream is the only way to live. A moment captured on camera phone that encapsulates pure happiness in my smile! I love what I do, and I do the best with what I can!

Steve Best - Director of Photography / Field Producer

(behind the scenes)


This is a realtime/unedited handheld shot, from my Red Epic camera, capturing an amazing moment. The darted lion was under the care and strict supervision of South Africa's leading veterinarian Mike. The lion would then be moved with another group of lions; to create new pride, in a region of South Africa, where lions have not roamed in over 150 years.


Steve Best -  Director of Photography / Field Producer

(show excerpt) - PT1 of 2


Watch Ivan Carter and the Zululand Rhino Reserve conservation team race to rescue a baby rhino. (PT.1) 

Steve Best -  Director of Photography / Field Producer

(show excerpt) PT2 of 2


Watch Ivan Carter and the Zululand Rhino Reserve conservation team race to rescue a baby rhino (PT. 2)

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